Market analysis
Wealth preservation and growth
Flash Notes
Published 02/06/2017
Find out the thoughts of our Chief Economist, Àlex Fusté, on the latest financial news in the month of June.
One euro for 1.20 will be expensive [Spanish] (28/06/2017)
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What next in the Italian banking? (28/06/2017)
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Has the EU given the European banking regulation a kick in the teeth? [Spanish] (26/06/2017)
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The Fed has fired the starting shot in its plan to begin reducing the balance sheet of the US central bank. [Spanish] (15/06/2017)
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The FED has fired the starting gun on its plan to start shrinking the US central bank’s balance sheet. (15/06/2017)
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Chinese Yuan rallied, reaching our 2017 target for the CNY. What next? (01/06/2017)
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