You are currently logged onto the website (hereinafter the “Website”), which is owned by Andbank Luxembourg, S.A. (hereinafter “the Bank”) and governed by the following conditions:


Access to and use of the website

The purpose of the Website is to introduce the Bank, its subsidiary Andbank Asset Management Luxembourg, S.A., their activities and the different products and services they offer. Persons located in jurisdictions where, for reasons of nationality or place of residence or any other reason, the publication or availability of the Website and information therein is prohibited or restricted, are only permitted to access it within the limits of the legislation applicable to them.



The information published on the Website, whether general or specific in nature, is purely indicative and not binding. It is published without any commitment as to its accuracy, completeness or up-to-date nature. It does not constitute a recommendation, offer or solicitation for the sale, purchase or subscription of any financial instrument. It does not constitute advice relating to management, financial, investment, hedge, negotiation, legal, regulatory, tax or accounting matters.

The fact that the Bank and its information providers make the Website information and services available to the user does not mean that such information and services, and the products included on the Website, are tailored to or suitable for the user.

The Website may provide references or hyperlinks to other websites funded and managed by third parties. The fact that the Bank provides links to such sites does not mean that it endorses, finances or is related to these sites, which correspond to their respective owners or operators. As a result, the Bank assumes no responsibility for the content of these websites.


Personal data

Access to certain pages on the Website may be subject to prior disclosure of personal data concerning the user of the Website. The Bank processes such data in accordance with legal requirements, and the user acknowledges that the Bank is free to use data concerning him or her in the execution of its mission, including, in the absence of any objection from him or her, for prospecting purposes.

By law, the user has the right to access or correct data held on him or her.



All the elements that appear on the pages of the Website are the intellectual property of the Bank or are under licence and/or protected by copyright. Any representation, reproduction or distribution, in whole or in part, of any element or information on the Website, by any means and on any support whatsoever, for usage other than for personal and private information, is prohibited without the express permission of the Bank. The reference or creation of a hyperlink to this Website is subject to prior approval by the Bank.


Jurisdiction and applicable law

Navigation of the Website and the operations it performs are subject to Luxembourg legislation. The courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg have sole jurisdiction to hear any disputes arising from use of the Website. However, the user may bring the case before any other jurisdiction that, in the event of failure to select the foregoing jurisdiction, would normally exercise jurisdiction over it.